the band i was going to have with Débora. we had a sign. never played, though..

Lady Tequila

by on 3/24/2011 03:34:00 PM
the band i was going to have with Débora. we had a sign. never played, though..

for a company that sells jewels made with stones and seeds found in the amazon forest. exportation products .


by on 3/24/2011 03:18:00 PM
for a company that sells jewels made with stones and seeds found in the amazon forest. exportation products .


color testing (no, I don't Ink...usually)

final - wallpaper (smaller size)
An illustration I made for a personal project...
not ready yet.

Encarte do álbum "All Right Penoso" do La Pupuña.

capa - digipack


capa e contracapa do livrinho de dentro

primeira lâmina

segunda lâmina

terceira lâmina

Cd Cover - La Pupuña

by on 3/01/2011 08:45:00 PM
Encarte do álbum "All Right Penoso" do La Pupuña. capa - digipack bolacha capa e contracapa do livrinho de dentro primeira lâmi...
Arte do encarte do CD de André Moura.


lâmida de dentro

imagem da bolacha

imagem de trás da bolacha

parte de trás

Cd Cover

by on 3/01/2011 08:08:00 PM
Arte do encarte do CD de André Moura. capa agradecimentos lâmida de dentro imagem da bolacha imagem de trás da bolacha parte de trás